Spring 2018 Taiko!

We are excited to offer a new Taiko course for adults (16+) starting on Thursday 26th April 2018.

The course will be held in Gors Community CentreHeol y Gors, Gors, Swansea, SA1 6SA.

It will consist of 10 sessions on Thursday evenings 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. starting on the 26th April and finishing on the 28th of June.

We will teach the basics of this great art form through some of our repertoire, with an emphasis on pieces written in Japan by the first composers of modern taiko.

No previous experience is required! Taiko drumming is a fun activity suitable to all. It’s easy to pick up and it improves stamina, strength, concentration and sense of rhythm.

As a group activity it creates opportunities for building friendships and communities. The sound of the drums played together is exciting and empowering.

Booking is essential as places are limited.

To book you can book via Paypal using the button below or by BACS. £75 For 10 weeks.

  1. For BACS please email aber.taiko.committee@gmail.com. We will send you our bank details and will hold your place for 24 hours from when we reply to you so that payment can be made by BACS.
  2.  For Paypal please use this button below