Taiko workshop for the whole family

Children and adults having fun playing Taiko in a previous workshop.

We are offering an open taiko workshop suitable for every member of the family, age 8 and above. We will learn a piece that lends itself to playing powerfully while supporting and encouraging each other in the group to give it their all. Taiko is not just about playing a rhythm – it’s about the energy, the intention, the collaboration and above all, the joy.

Date: Saturday 21st October

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Taiko at the Ospreys vs Scarlets Derby

We were invited by the Ospreys to support them in their high profile game against the Scarlets. You can imagine the levels of excitement in our group, especially as one of us happens to be very avid Ospreys fan!! We were to play a gig before the start at the entrance to the stadium, and then during the match, get the fans clapping and singing, get the motivation going.

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